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The new program is available, discover without further delay the new exhibitions, visits, workshops...

The exhibition immerses us in the whirlwind of history, escaping the clichés about great men to explore more funky aspects, like the "All you can eat" exhibition at the Lëtzebuerg City Museum. This anthropological dive into our eating habits over the centuries is a real intellectual feast.

However, even though history has been given a facelift by taking a casual look at varied subjects, the fascination persists for the rockstars of the past, like Count Pierre-Ernest de Mansfeld. The “Meet the Mansfelds” exhibition certainly spices things up by examining the sometimes eccentric depictions of these historical figures. The questioning of the credibility of the portraits makes this exploration an adventure worthy of an Indiana Jones-style historical mystery. After all, who would have thought that portraits could be so breathtaking?

Coming out of this experience, you may look at historical paintings in museums with a more mischievous eye. After all, the story can be serious, but it can also be incredibly fun and full of surprises!

Good to know

Psst: The complete program is available in pdf if you click on “flyer”. Otherwise, go to the museum calendar by clicking on the pink button!
Automagically translated from French


Lëtzebuerg City Museum

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Lëtzebuerg City Museum

Where does it take place?

L-2090 Luxembourg 14, rue du Saint-Esprit, L-2090 Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Lëtzebuerg City Museum
rue du Saint-Esprit
L-2090 Luxembourg


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Weather forecast (Luxembourg)

fri. 3
/ 13°
sat. 4
/ 13°
sun. 5
/ 15°


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  • Favorites
  • 2024-01-04 2024-04-28 Europe/Paris The new cultural program is here The new program is available, discover without further delay the new exhibitions, visits, workshops... The exhibition immerses us in the whirlwind of history, escaping the clichés about great men to explore more funky aspects, like the "All you can eat" exhibition at the Lëtzebuerg City Museum. This anthropological dive into our eating habits over the centuries is a real intellectual feast. However, even though history has been given a facelift by taking a casual look at varied subjects, the fascination persists for the rockstars of the past, like Count Pierre-Ernest de Mansfeld. The “Meet the Mansfelds” exhibition certainly spices things up by examining the sometimes eccentric depictions of these historical figures. The questioning of the credibility of the portraits makes this exploration an adventure worthy of an Indiana Jones-style historical mystery. After all, who would have thought that portraits could be so breathtaking? Coming out of this experience, you may look at historical paintings in museums with a more mischievous eye. After all, the story can be serious, but it can also be incredibly fun and full of surprises! 14, rue du Saint-Esprit, L-2090 Luxembourg, Luxembourg Lëtzebuerg City Museum


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