flèche up
The News with a touch of humour
Publication date: 2020-04-18

The return of the big yellow M

Come as you are homebound people 🍟

In lack of traffic jams, a horde of BigMacosaurus Rex rushed to McDrive this Thursday in the Grand Duchy. A real line of cars, all dashing and happy to make a trip out of the garage, to go to one of the 4 Mcdo's  Drive open in Strassen, Bascharage, Ingeldorf or Foetz.

A word of advice, from 'Miro to 'Miro ... is it better to stay home and order locally? Yay or yay? To share a bowl, no, a salad bowl of fresh strawberries from Thym Citron with a ton of whipped cream, or to have a delivered organic pastry with crunchy praline mousseline cream (here you go).

A dedication to all the local grocers, restaurants and producers who continue to deliver quality products to us! Come here if you want to see more 🤓

Containment or not, one thing remains the same ... this damn addiction to traffic jams! A real subject to study for post confinement 🤔

And don't forget to wear your masks from Monday, because a pollution peak could contaminate our brand new detoxified lungs...

Stay safe and contactless kiss the 'Miros 😘

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