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Publication date: 2020-09-07

Annie Cordy: a tribute every night on the Grand-Place in Brussels

A photo will be projected on the Town Hall and some of his headlines will be broadcast in his memory.

The City of Brussels will pay tribute to the singer and actress Annie Cordy on the main square every evening of next week, from Monday and until her funeral on Saturday, said the Cabinet of mayor Philippe Close on Sunday evening.

There was no call for a single gathering given the current restrictive health rules. Annie Cordy's family have agreed to this tribute. The City of Brussels will open in the morning of Monday, in the town hall, a register of condolences. It will remain available to Brussels residents for at least one week, during the opening hours of the Town Hall. Many people have on their own initiative laid wreaths of flowers in front of the singer's fresco in Laeken during the weekend.


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